Hotel Monasterio in Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz)

The Monasterio Hotel, located in the historic quarter of Puerto de Santa María, in Cádiz, has incorporated to the decoration of its restaurant, named Las Bóvedas, the transparent glass lanterns, which bring sobriety and elegance to the room with stone finishes in the rooms.
Lanterns Hijos de Estévez illuminate the restaurant “Las Bóvedas”.
The Monasterio Hotel, located in the historic quarter of Puerto de Santa María, in Cádiz, has incorporated to the decoration of its restaurant, named Las Bóvedas, the transparent glass lanterns, which bring sobriety and elegance to the room with stone finishes in the rooms.
Lanterns Hijos de Estévez illuminate the restaurant “Las Bóvedas”.
Más información: Web del Hotel Monasterio de San Miguel